My love for photography started back in 2007 when I was least expecting it. I was always intrigued by the art of photography, and I had an elective I needed to take for my undergrad degree, so I thought, “Why not?” I was studying architecture and interior design, and the two seemed to go hand-in-hand. You have to have such a keen sense of spacial awareness and know exactly what type of story you are wanting to tell. I thoroughly enjoyed that Spring semester as I dove into black and white film photography. We learned everything on fully manual film cameras, processed our own film and printed in a darkroom. There is something so tangible about film photography. You REALLY have to know what you’re doing, and the dreamy look of film cannot be replicated, no matter how hard people try.
Fast forward two years to 2019, and I graduated and decided I didn’t want to follow interior design. I loved it without a doubt, and did very well in school, but the market was struggling and I didn’t want to follow a career I realized would be spent behind a computer designing. I needed PEOPLE!
With my graduation money, I bought a bunch of digital photography gear (because digital was the thing of the future) and started photographing my friends and family. To say that I was terrible is an understatement. I had a lot to learn, but I was a fast learner. Back then, we didn’t have all of the youtube videos, and photography mentorships and tutorials to learn from. Everything I learned from that point on was primarily trial and error. I practiced and practiced and practiced until I was comfortable shooting the look I wanted. I left film behind all together, but I never forgot it.
As time went gone by and my business grew, I longed for a challenge and something that would reignite my passion for photography. I never forgot my love for film and my experience in the darkroom. It wasn’t until 2017 that I finally decided it was time to make the switch back to film.
With Colt’s full backing, I bought a ton of gear (y’all, film gear is a black hole like no other), attended workshops, and joined photography groups. My passion is back and I am learning more and more every day. I am so excited to be able to offer such a luxury item to my amazing clients, and can’t wait to see where it all takes me.
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